Saturday, June 8, 2013

Starting to Fit Right In

It has been one week since we picked Wally up from the kennel. He is settling in nicely and is quickly getting the hang of things such as which food bowl he eats out of, as well as the food and potty schedule. He learns quickly so I am sure he will adapt well once he finds his forever family. 

This past week we introduced Wally to a lot of things but one important item was a kong. This was actually a late birthday celebration for our oldest boy, Blue, who turned nine last Saturday. We had a special birthday treat for him and decided to let the others take part in the fun and put them in their respective areas to enjoy a treat. It was quite entertaining to watch Wally with the kong. It took him a little while but he finally got the hang of holding it still. 

What is this "thing" they keep calling a kong?

I have to figure out a way to keep this "thing" from rolling away!

Ah ha! I think I have this figured out!

Now I've got it!

We have also figured out which bed is Wally's favorite because he is always laying on it. We are okay with him having a favorite because he is more than willing to share it with the others. 

Chilling with Cane again.

Snoozing with Candy.

We will see what week two brings. We are definitely enjoying having this sweet boy in our home as there is nothing more rewarding then watching a foster's personality "bloom" and watching them learn new things. 

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Meet Wally!

Saturday afternoon Scott and I picked up our new foster, Crosswired. We are excited to foster him as we remembered him from kennel walking and he has such a sweet and friendly demeanor about him. 


We brought him home and introduced him to our pack and everyone gets along very well. Crosswired did not at all mind being sniffed and checked out four different times by Blue, Cotton, Candy and Cane. Following the introductions we brought him into the house which means he had to make his first attempt at the stairs. He took them like a champ after a little bit if encouragement. He sniffed his way around for a little bit and then we let him spend some time alone so he could settle in. Once downstairs, he found a stuffie - definitely something we could tell he loves, especially the frog!

Stufflies are fun!

The greatest challenge we have had is figuring out what to call him. Typically we call our fosters by a name pulled from their racing name, however, "Crosswired," presented quite the challenge. We thought and thought about what we should call him. Finally, we decided on Wally. Why, you might ask...well, after Wally was allowed off lead in the house, we realized things were a little too quiet and we wondered where he was but knew he couldn't be far. Wally happened to be on a bed right in front of us, but where's Waldo came to mind and we settled on Wally as it is a little easier to say. The nice thing is whoever adopts this sweet boy and pick out a different name for him if they want!

 Wally struggling to adjust.

Wally has quickly become acclimated to his new environment and is quite loving. I must say he is probably the easiest foster we have invited into our home. Whichever family chooses to adopt him is one lucky family as he is such a sweet and easy going boy! 

Hanging out with Cane.

 Such a handsome boy!

 Stay tuned for more Wally updates!